Beatrice Fenice

Kallid Mulli sõbrad!
Mull kolinud Tartusse, asume nüüd aadressil Emajõe 1a. Ootame teid külla meie uues kohas.
"Beatrice Fenice - Modelliagentuuri Beatrice MASS omanik on muutnud oma Tallinna Vanalinna kodu privaatseks restoraniks ning shampanjatoaks, mille ülevoolava eklektika oaasis pakub Beatrice fusion toitu." (Wallpaper City Guide)
Sündinud aastal 1970. Kolme lapse ema. Beatrice Fenice - modell, modelliagentuuri Beatrice MASS ning kodurestorani ja shampanjatoa omanik.
Dear friends of Mull!
Mull has relocated to Tartu, you can find us at our new address Emajõe 1a. Come visit us at our new location!
"Model-agency MASS owner Beatrice Fenice has turned her Tallinn Old Town home into a private restaurant and champagne room, where she serves fusion food within an oasis of exuberant eclecticism." (Wallpaper City Guide)
Born in 1970. Mother of 3. Beatrice Fenice – model, owner of MASS model agency, owner/cook in a home restaurant – nAnO and Mull champagne lounge.
Mull kolinud Tartusse, asume nüüd aadressil Emajõe 1a. Ootame teid külla meie uues kohas.
"Beatrice Fenice - Modelliagentuuri Beatrice MASS omanik on muutnud oma Tallinna Vanalinna kodu privaatseks restoraniks ning shampanjatoaks, mille ülevoolava eklektika oaasis pakub Beatrice fusion toitu." (Wallpaper City Guide)
Sündinud aastal 1970. Kolme lapse ema. Beatrice Fenice - modell, modelliagentuuri Beatrice MASS ning kodurestorani ja shampanjatoa omanik.
Dear friends of Mull!
Mull has relocated to Tartu, you can find us at our new address Emajõe 1a. Come visit us at our new location!
"Model-agency MASS owner Beatrice Fenice has turned her Tallinn Old Town home into a private restaurant and champagne room, where she serves fusion food within an oasis of exuberant eclecticism." (Wallpaper City Guide)
Born in 1970. Mother of 3. Beatrice Fenice – model, owner of MASS model agency, owner/cook in a home restaurant – nAnO and Mull champagne lounge.